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Anyone who knows me understands that I have what is the opposite of a green thumb (the opposite color to GREEN on the color-wheel is RED, but saying I have a RED THUMB sounds less disastrous than it actually is) I say that when it comes to plants I have the “thumb-of-death”.  Which is problematic for one who loves to be surrounded by greenery.  In my home the answer is simple, it is filled with silk (AKA: fake) plants and trees.  Outside, in the spring and summer, however, I like to live on my “outdoor parlor” (AKA: “lanai”, “porch”) as much as possible, surrounded by REAL plants.  If I only need to water them, GREAT…I can do that!  So I have a few “greens”.

Once I also purchased a GARDENIA tree.  Gardenias were one of my Mom’s favorites, along with roses (which I am too frightened to try growing) and I equate the fragrance with her, and home.  So my gardenia sat next to my chair on the porch and the full and shiny, deep-green leaves look beautiful…along with the buds, promises of beautiful blooms.

Except that’s the problem…it’s didn’t bloom.

The buds were there, I followed the directions on water (let the soil get a little dry and then give her a good drink…so my gardener-friend says…and she’ll bloom.)  I tried it…didn’t work.  So I went back to my gardener-friend, and without really knowing that she was doing it, she taught me a spiritual lesson that I will pass on.

“Where is the gardenia sitting, on your porch?”

“It…er, SHE…is sitting back against the wall.”

“Do you water her regularly but just enough to keep the soil moist?”


“Do you pull the yellow leaves off?”


“Have you used a little plant food or fertilizer, once-a-month?”

“Yes, just once so far.”

“Then it sounds like there’s enough care…just not enough sun.”

Enough care, just not enough sun.

 And there is the SPIRITUAL TRUTH wrapped in a PHYSICAL METAPHOR: “Enough care, just not enough Son.”

The “seeds” planted in us, or the seeds we plant in others (given to US by Jesus) like those in your immediate circles (friends, family, acquaintances and enemies) are indeed the food/care that is required for learning and growth – but even that is not enough for any person to realize their full potential and “flower”.  In fact all that care and food will only take anyone so far, unless they are introduced to the Son.

A gardenia is defined by her blossoms, her fragrance.  She is complete, she is happy.  As the complete happiness of an apple tree (or fig tree) realizes it’s full potential and happiness when it produces what it was made to produce.  We humans are complete and happy when we become who we are meant/designed to be, but we will only get so far with the right food and care – when we are introduced to the Son, we bloom.

The Greek word for “perfect” (teleios) would be understood, by those who spoke the language in Jesus’ day, as “coming to fullness – maturity – doing exactly what it is meant to do”.  We make the error of reading that passage and saying to ourselves, “I will never be without flaw.” Which is how WE read “perfect“…but that’s not what the writer of Matthew, or Jesus meant (Matthew 5:48).  They meant…“be who you are supposed to be, in fullness, in maturity…as God is also”

I am happy to do all that I can in my limited way, to bring good food and good care – but the greatest thing any Pastor, or any BELIEVER & FOLLOWER, can do is introduce someone to the Son.




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I have a friend in town whose life is filled with noise, he lives in a house filled with great “stuff”, he is constantly on the move and involved in every project. He is also a “fitness” guy, working out every spare moment, keeping himself looking good. Some weeks back, as he was working out, he suffered an injury that laid him up for a couple of weeks. For those weeks he couldn’t move, for at least three of those days he didn’t have access to his computer or television, he had to cancel some events that he had committed to – and he couldn’t exercise at all.

He confided to me that during that period, one of the most excruciating of his life, he had to stop and “listen to himself breath”.

He discovered all that noise and business covered the fact that he was incredibly…lonely and depressed.

Frankly, I’m not surprised. Doctors say that lonely people are sometimes hard to diagnose, the traditional “sadness” isn’t always evident, but there are symptoms: a lonely person fills their life with NOISE, THINGS, BUSINESS and SELF. These things keep a person’s life filled and their heart and mind distracted from the core problem, which is loneliness.

Can a CONGREGATION be lonely?

Well, let’s look at the symptoms my friend had:

Do some congregations fill themselves with NOISE; put a lot of emphasis on THINGS; spend much of its time doing BUSINESS and spending energy caring for THEMSELVES? I suppose that if a congregation is not careful, they could separate themselves easily from the reason for their existence: Jesus. And if a church didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, it might be easy to ignore that fact by filling themselves with NOISE, THINGS, BUSINESS and THEMSELVES.

 I notice that none of these things (noise, things, business, & self-care) are bad in themselves.  “Self-care” and “preservation” is necessary for any person or congregation. However, when the congregation realizes there is too many of these elements THEN they need to do a little different type of self-analysis and see where their relationship with Jesus stands.

I have, in my over-forty-five-years in the ministry, seen many congregations continue to function without the presence of God. They don’t even seem to notice.  It is a reality and a danger.

How do we keep our relationship with God solid? How do we watch for the signs of “loneliness by separation” and keep vigilant? It is up to every leader, every committee, every Elder, Deacon, Teacher, Pastor to maintain a prayerful integrity of life within the church.

We exist as a LIVING body because God breathes the Spirit into us, because the Word examines and proves us, and because Jesus the Immortal stands with us. We have no life or purpose without God.

Let’s look to ourselves, asking God to regularly prod us to love Him through the love we have for each other. A church separated from their first love: Jesus, is lonely church and a dying church, no matter the size of the congregation…

and a CONNECTED CHURCH is a living church, no matter the size of the congregation.



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As THE ALLEY THEATRE, here at Central, puts up each production in the season, I watch all the players onstage and the crew backstage as they prep, rehearse and polish. I really enjoy theatre, as I have for most of my life. It is a reflection of life, and a teaching tool like none other. But everyone must know their roles clearly, even those who aren’t “actors”.

I’ve watched certain characters play their roles as they moved on and off the stage during other productions in other companies.  At one somewhat moving and emotionally charged drama I started analyzing exactly what it was that caused me to find certain players “riveting” while others were simply “fine”. What I found was the actors who understood their characters’ “prime objective” and acted accordingly were the most interesting to follow. Every acting decision was precise, they moved with authority, clarity and purpose. The others were merely reciting their lines.

For an actor, the “prime objective” is what drives the action of the character they are playing. One character’s PO (prime objective) might be to “get the girl”, and everything that actor does, even those things unrelated to “getting the girl”, stem from the PO. There may be “minor objectives” along the way, for instance: avoiding another character or pretending to be someone they are not, but the PO is still the driving force for the character, it is the definition of that character, it gives the character purpose and meaning and sets the character’s priorities. A character’s PO allows for that character and others to “connect”, emotionally, onstage…and that human depth of connection is what separates good theatre from great theatre.

What is YOUR LIFE’S “Prime Objective”? Do you have an overriding purpose that defines your direction in life? Most people do…although they don’t realize it. A Prime Objective may define itself FOR you, if you’re not careful.  Is your life directed by just trying to survive? Is your Prime Objective to enjoy every minute, at all costs? Is your Prime Objective to feel secure by having your life arranged, filed and your bank filled?

For those of us who follow Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life…He has told us what our Prime Objective is: “to know God.” (John 17:3 “This is forever life, that they may know You, the One True God, and the One You have sent – Jesus the Messiah.”)   The direction to “get to know God” comes from a “Stage Director” who understands clearly that if “knowing God” is our Prime Objective, then all other objectives, relationships, and plot twists, will fall into place and everything else will be put into perspective. This “Spiritual Stage Director” understands that “knowing God” is a lifetime pursuit, a grand plan, an energizing force…and so, the “life” is found in the journey.

The danger for any actor is NOT choosing or knowing what their character’s Prime Objective is…when that happens, they are at the mercy of the other actors onstage, they are at the mercy of the script…they wander in uncertain circles…and the audience soon forgets they were even onstage during the show.

Again I ask, what is YOUR Prime Objective in life? Whatever it is, it will define every scene, every relationship and every outcome…even to the final curtain. My advice…listen to the Director and LIVE the story, as opposed to just being IN the story.

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We have 2 cats whose home we share: Mr. Blu and Delores.  Mr. Blu is probably about 17-years-old, a male.  Delores is 6-years-old, and female.  I’d like to say that we “rescued/adopted” them, but they would probably say it’s the other way around.

They both have a limited vocabulary…Mr. Blu mumbles, and Delores is mainly silent…until around 2:00am when she begins “singing the song of her people” as she tries, and succeeds, in opening random drawers.  But with both felines, it’s not the words but the inflection, tone and decibel-level that really tells you what they are trying to say.  Learning to translate that and “hear” them has taken many years and still I, for one, am learning.

Mr. Blu is LARGE, and usually obsessed with eating.   If I’m in the kitchen, he wants food…if I come in the door from anywhere at any time, he wants food…if I’m eating, he wants food.  At least that’s what it seems like.  Delores, on the other hand, could usually care less if either of us are home…except that she really does like everyone to be in the same room.

I’ve had some epiphanies with the cats over the years. If I’m in the home office working or studying, Delores will come back there and snooze close by.  Sometimes Mr. Blu will come in also and sit as closely as possible and stare, silently, with those his cat eyes.

One time he did that, even getting up on his haunches and reaching out to pat my arm at the chair.  It was NOT time for him to eat. (with his “eating disorder”, you have to be very strict about the “snack” times…or he could eventually fill the entire house).  But, being the kind and beneficent human I am, I decided it was alright to get him some “kitty treats”, so I rose out of the chair.

Now usually, he knows exactly what that means, and races, faster than an animal of his size should be able, ahead of me to his food dish in the pantry…I usually watch where I’m putting my feet so that I don’t trip over him on the way.  But this time he raced right past the pantry, the kitchen, and into the living room.

Hmmm…could it be that he was telling me that he wanted to be in there?  It seems so.  All he wanted was a little attention. 

Delores, when I return home from anywhere, immediately races to greet me; rolling happily on the floor close to the garage door.  Now you have to realize that Delores is NOT a “lap cat” she doesn’t like to be picked up or held…but, at a distance…she will be happy if I am close by.

There are times, with both Mr. Blu, and Delores, one of them will come up beside one of us and pat the arm with a paw, just wanting to get some attention  – before curling up somewhere close and falling fast asleep.

 And so, THIS is what I have learned about myself & God from Mr. Blu & Delores:

  • They aren’t always able to clearly translate their needs. Neither am I.
  • Sometimes they just needs reassurance that we are there. Sometimes I need that from God.
  • And, most importantly, when humans may think they are self-sufficient, these felines, Blu & Delores, KNOW WHO provides the food, who loves, and who cleans the litter box – they are not at all confused about that…and they go directly to the source.

Right there is the greatest lesson in trust; THEY know to go to the source…do I?

Mr. Blu & Delores get lonely when their humans, their caregivers, aren’t there.  I know that because sometimes they THINK they’re alone and start “yeowling”/”crying”.  All I have to do is call the name of whichever one is crying out and they come running, happy tail up…THEY know the source of their contentment, security, provision and love.

Do I?  Do you?



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Imagination is funny, it makes a cloudy day sunny

Makes a bee think of honey just as I think of you 

Imagination is crazy, your whole perspective gets hazy

Starts you asking a daisy “What to do, what to do?” 

Have you ever felt a gentle touch and then a kiss

And then and then, find it’s only your imagination again?

Oh, well 

Imagination is silly, you go around willy-nilly

For example I go around wanting you

And yet I can’t imagine that you want me, too. 

This song, by Jimmy Van Heusen & Jimmy Burke, is a favorite song of mine. I am a big fan of these songwriters and others like them, from that time and place. And I’m a big fan of the concept of “imagination”.

IMAGINATION (Oxford English Dictionary):

  1. the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects, not present to the senses.
  2. the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful
  3. the part of the mind that imagines things

Personally, IMAGINATION is the tool I use the most for creating, arranging, designing, writing and teaching/preaching.  I need to “see the final product” (which hasn’t yet occurred or been constructed) before it is built or composed. I need to form ideas from things I’ve seen and haven’t seen. As an only child, my IMAGINATION was necessary to keep me busy, and I developed and polished it early on, which is what makes it such an important tool for me now.

Teachers, through my years of Elementary and Secondary Schools, continually wrote on my report cards that I “had a very active imagination”, and they didn’t always mean that in a GOOD way.  And many more knowledgeable people than I have seen the IMAGINATION as a threat to doctrine and religion. Some communities of faith and disciplines have considered the mind’s IMAGINATION a thing to be avoided, as it is the tester of free will, which often would lead a Follower & Believer astray from the solid Truth of God (in their opinion). After all shouldn’t we, they say, rely on what we see and know…which, I should point out here, is contrary to entire concept of FAITH.

Is IMAGINATION truly a bad thing when it comes to our spiritual lives, our hearts, and the very Light inside that is God-In-Us? Is it a bad influence on the way we behave as representatives of the One True God? Historically there are arguments on both sides.  Joan of Arc is said to have been confronted by the Church, as they were confounded by her “unorthodox” structure of belief, and that God spoke to her directly. They saw her only as a female child, and yet, her success was contrary to what they believed should be the result of a person like her. In the movie about her life, “MESSENGER”, she is asked if the voice she hears is not her IMAGINATION. She answers that indeed it is, for that is how God speaks to her. Although this quote is somewhat apocryphal, the true Joan said this same sort of thing often in different forms.

This is what I believe about IMAGINATION, God, and us: I believe that our God-Given IMAGINATION is not used enough. I believe that our IMAGINATIONS bring us close to this Truth: God will use whatever language necessary to speak directly to our hearts and restore us.

I believe that FAITH requires the use of a good and continually exercised IMAGINATION, to know “…the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen…” (HEBREWS 11:1). I believe that anyone who claims to have NO IMAGINATION is fooling themselves. Our IMAGINATIONS are used every day, one way or another.

I also believe, like everything, IMAGINATIONS can be poorly used.  Jesus talks about bad use of our IMAGINATIONS constantly. He calls it WORRY (IMAGINATION gone rogue).

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (MATTHEW 6:24) 

“Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.”
(MARK 13:11)

“And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things.”
(LUKE 12:29)

Isn’t WORRY just an active IMAGINATION gone bad? Isn’t it just IMAGINATION without boundaries or focus? Or maybe it’s focused in the wrong direction. You can IMAGINE the good or the bad, it’s your choice. But Jesus says that WORRY not only doesn’t add “one hair to your head”, but is proven to actually, scientifically, to shorten life, along with taking the joy away.

Once again, I don’t believe we use our IMAGINATIONS enough. They may be filtered through our culture, our nurturing and education, along our journey of life.  But IMAGINATION can also be powerful and beautiful. IMAGINE the answer to prayer. “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (JAMES 1:6) Isn’t that what belief truly is, IMAGINING the answer, seeing what hasn’t happened yet?

OF COURSE we are influenced by our own paradigms and environment, just as every other saint who walked the earth has been, and that is why we ask God to protect us from ourselves. That is when we rely on the Spirit of God to do what the Spirit is promised to do: lead us into all truth. (JOHN 16:13).  

I should only speak for myself, but I know that IMAGINATION is one of the greatest tools in my own personal doctrine and belief that I cannot imagine my world without it. IMAGINATION is powerful enough, with the Spirit, to change situations, events and life entirely. Like the song says, “…it makes a cloudy day sunny.” 



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So, I grew up in church.  We went to Highland Church of God in Kennewick, Washington every time the door was open.  Dad directed the choir and sang, Mom was the Church Secretary and a member, sometimes Chair, of the Women’s Missionary Society.  We had worship on Sunday Mornings, Sunday Evenings, and Wednesday evenings (followed by choir practice).  It was, as they say, “formative in my construct”.

Yes, I enjoyed the Bible study, the good preaching, and the incredible (what we say in “Christianese”) “fellowship”.   But at the top of my list of “things I love about church and worship” and what kept me going even when I didn’t want to, was…musicI loved the music, and I grew up in a VERY musical church.  We sang, at least 500 hymns each Sunday (so it seemed), each Sunday night, and each Wednesday evening.  The personnel of our choir, our Junior Choir, our Youth Band, and instrumentalists made up almost 50% of the entire congregation.

Music was, for me at least, the language of God.

However, as a young child, I sometimes found the “theology-filled” lyrical phrases nonsensical to my small mind…and so I would adapt them to what I thought they said, and what would fit with my personal rudimentary theology.

Case in point: “With our jellied toast proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem!”

You know that familiar phrase from “HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS (“Harold’s Angels” as opposed to “Michael’s Angels”, I suppose) SING!”  Now, ask anyone who knows me well and they will say that one of my favorite, and almost daily, foods (other than God’s most perfect creation: bacon) is toast.  I’ve loved toast since before I could speak.  I can’t imagine a more perfect food for angels than toast with jelly!  And when would they be most likely to celebrate with toast and jelly?  CHRISTMAS!  It all made sense to me.

“Bringing in the cheese” was another one I loved.

It was YEARS before I knew what a “sheave” was (even though I lived in farming country), and still wasn’t sure what that had to do with the song.  But “cheese”?! Well, yeah!  It’s another favorite food…and I find it TOTALLY understandable why someone would “come rejoicing, bringing in the cheese”…who wouldn’t?!

 The mistaken lyric that made my mother laugh so hard she choked on her coffee, however, was “Up from the gravy, a rose.” which I recall fondly each Easter – as well as the one recently passed.  Now think about this doctrinal picture: out of a gooey mess, something beautiful.  That’s what Easter is all about isn’t it?  Never mind WHY there would be a rose in a bowl of gravy, just go with it.  That’s what I thought I heard, and definitely what I sang.  And in my six-year-old theology it made perfect sense…

 …until I knew better.

Aside from the obvious “food allusions” in each of these mistaken lyrics (my counselor is helping me through that obvious Freudian debacle) there is a lesson here about God growing as we grow.

 People, and sometimes especially those who identify as “Christians”, don’t ever want to admit what they HAD believed was wrong.  They don’t want to admit as they have since realized more, learned more, understood more, grown more …their minds have changed.  There are simply many folks who stop learning and cling to what they first understood…even when it doesn’t make sense with everything else God says.

Were those hymn lyrics EVER “with our jellied toast proclaim”?  No, they never were – the lyrics never changed.  Did I, as a small child, misunderstand the “intent” of the lyric?  No, I understood completely that the angels were happy and proclaiming the birth of Jesus…but as I grew, my understanding grew, and in my eyes and mind the lyrics grew as well.

 God, our Father, started with a group of slaves from Egypt who knew, vaguely, of Yahweh – but not in a mature way.  He proposed a covenant with them (“I will be your God.  You will be My people), containing ten precepts.  They are simple, they are rudimentary, and they are the type of rules one would give a small child.  (Example: “Don’t run in the hall with the scissors.”) But as generations grew, failed, grew, failed, and grew – up to this generation of “we”…the understanding of God/Yahweh and ourselves has become more precise, more detailed, deeper, and more subtle.  As the Apostle Paul would say, “we went from MILK to MEAT”.  Did God change?  No.  But WE did.

When an individual makes the choice to BELIEVE that God indeed exists, that Jesus is His Son, and that He is present to love, protect, and preserve (“sozo” = “save”) us….and then chooses to FOLLOW that Good Shepherd and King, relinquishing all personal rights in allegiance to Him…then that person starts to grow (hopefully).  As that person grows, they will begin to see God differently, more fully.  They will, inevitably, discover their preconceived ideas of who HE is and who THEY are may be wrong.  And now they have another choice: Do I let my PRIDE rule, or do I let my KING rule?

Unfortunately, too many denominations, theologies, and people have let their pride rule – using the excuse: “God doesn’t change.”  And they are correct, HE doesn’t, but WE do.  His words are constant, though He will sometimes speak to us as a child, and sometimes not explain things that are beyond our understanding. But other times He will bring us close and reveal His quietest thoughts…and THOSE conversations are different than the conversations with a child…because of OUR understanding, not HIS.

I have realized that I need to learn something new every day, to grow my mind and to temper my ego.  When those lessons come into conflict with what I BELIEVED was true, then I should change, and I should admit that my understanding THEN was faulty.

Maya Anjelou’s words echo the scripture, because ALL truth comes from God, and HE alone chooses who will speak it…and THIS is truth: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

“Up from the gravy, a rose.” might be a very picturesque way of describing the core of Easter Life Lessons…but it is inaccurate, next to the actual lyric.  Once I discovered that, leaving my misinterpreted lyric behind was bittersweet.  But as a child of the King, I have a responsibility to “do better” when I “know better” – and I also have the responsibility to carry the flashlight of Truth (“alethea”) in all places, in all times.

My personal prayer is: To always admit when I have learned better, and to apologize if I have stated or taught something contrary to the more accurate Truth.

We are not the Hebrew slaves.  We have the benefit of years, scripture, and the Holy Spirit.  Let’s not “stay in the grave” but continue to move forward, to learn, to change, and to humbly grow along the journey from lowland to highland, as we follow the Good Shepherd.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child,
I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man, I put aside childish things.
For now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror,
but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then I will know fully,
as I am fully known.

PAUL, to the Church in Corinth – and to us.


So, one of my Birthday gifts, some years ago, was the complete set of an “old-time” television show.  Now BEFORE I tell you what the show is, you need to know that even as a small child I was watching RE-RUNS of this show and NOT the originals.  It’s PERRY MASON, the show that sparked my interest in courtroom and crime dramas and mysteries (thus feeding my longtime obsession with LAW & ORDER…any of the franchises!).

Perry was always so calm and cool, his deductive and reasoning gifts were almost supernatural, his suits were “cool”, his hair was “cool”…his Secretary (Della) was “cool” and his detective (Paul) was very “cool”.  The guilty fell apart under his gaze, Judges bowed to his wisdom, and even his longtime adversary “Hamilton Burger” (Ham Burger…really?) had to accept that Perry was a worthy opponent.

Back then, in the black and white mid-century, it seemed that raising one’s right hand and swearing on a Bible (“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…”) was all that was needed (aside from Perry’s glare) to turn even the most practiced liar into a truth-telling paragon.  If only that really and truly worked.

 What if, every day before any one of us left the house, we placed our hands on the family Bible and said, “Today…I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”?  We, as Believers & Followers, shouldn’t need to do that.

“Now above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath.  Your ‘yes’ must be ‘yes’, and your ‘no’ must be ‘no’, so that you won’t fall under judgment.” JAMES 5:12

Unfortunately even in (and sometimes, especially in) the Church the truth (outside of the scripture) gets used infrequently when members chat amongst themselves in and out of the sanctuary.  The Church is a community of people, and as such people will talk about people…it almost can’t be helped.  But in doing so, God has clear guidelines that sometimes get ignored.

JAMES, Chapter 3 has much to say about “taming the tongue”, including the difficulty of doing just that.  However, as Christians and “People of the Word”, our “words” must be right, just and true…especially when thinking and talking about others who are not present.

If you have ever played the game, “Gossip, Gossip” you know how easily the “truth” of the original language can get mangled in simple translation and communication between just a few people.  In PRAYER CHAINS alone, a person’s request for the healing of a “hang-nail” can end up being a brain tumor by the time the request is through.  And what about information that one hears outside the Church about a church member?  Should what one hears at the “Hair Salon” be taken as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  Everyone likes a “juicy” story…but leave the passing on of that kind of information to the “world”…here, in the Kingdom of God, we don’t do that.

Be GENEROUS with your words, and kind.
Sometimes one has to be creative to counter bad gossip (which is usually only partially true, if true at all) with a positive statement…but our JOB as Believes & Followers of Jesus is that we BUILD ONE ANOTHER UP and not TEAR DOWN…whether we are speaking directly TO or ABOUT our brothers and sisters…fellow citizens of the Kingdom.

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” EPHESIANS 5:19

 “Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”  I CORINTHIANS 14:12

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  JOHN 13:34

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” is not a scriptural quote, because it’s not enough.  Jesus’ commands go beyond simply keeping silent, He WANTS you to speak up, speak to, and speak about people.  But He demands that you speak in LOVE: building each other up, turning away anger with a kind word, opening doors and not simply being a “fence” against lies – but being a proactive force against untruth, with words of love.

EDITING OUR LANGUAGE, or “And Nothing But The Truth”
Sometimes it’s difficult to edit what comes out of our mouths before it comes out, it takes practice, but once we “elaborate” on the truth we have created a false moment.  Once we take a bit of the truth (or hear it and pass it on) but “shade” and “color” it…we become no better than Satan himself  (who doesn’t lie “outright” as much as he twists the truth for his convenience).

The “lost” in this world will not be “rescued”  if the Church is lost as well.
Believers & Followers: when it comes to your fellow “family” tell the truth, the whole truth, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. 

When you hear a story that can’t be confirmed, SHUT IT DOWN AND DON’T PASS IT ON.

When you hear negative things said about someone you know in the church (true or not), counter with positive and SHUT IT DOWN, AND DON’T PASS IT ON.

Take EVERY opportunity to believe the best in people, assume their graciousness and goodness and not their bad sides (especially when airing your thoughts out loud to someone else).  And, as always here at Central, if you have a question or an issue with someone; before you talk about it BEHIND their back, talk to their face or don’t talk at all.  Let’s make sure that people around us know we who Believe & Follow will behave differently than the rest of the world.

I’m talking to myself here, as much as anyone else, since I have often been at the other end of misinformed talkers.  But if you think this message is specifically directed at you…it may be.

For the sake of those outside of the Kingdom of God, and for the sake of the building up of His strong Kingdom…speak “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…so help us, God.”




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The middle of my week always involves a little “mind focusing”; getting out of the home office and clearing my head.  So I eventually ventured out in “Mariska” (the Buick) and headed for the office.

So, the other day, I backed out of the driveway and started driving around doing some errands; dropping off, picking up, etc.  Once out on the road I realized that my “tunes” weren’t playing…and my mind adjusted accordingly.

I turned onto the “main drag”, avoiding a suicidal squirrel, in the middle of the road, staring at mearing me to hit him (her?)…I almost felt like aiming.  Then I started the search through my music lists.

I have an old iPHONE in my car, it contains MOST of my listening playlists; everything from Bach to Billy Joel.  It is magically connected to “Mariska”.  I searched until I came to my playlist titled: “SOUNDTRACKS”.

Now, some of you know this, because (unfortunately for you) you’ve sat through a film with me, in the theatre.  But I am a “movie-soundtrack junkie”.  I love film soundtracks, have my favorite composers, and have collected soundtracks in a playlist.  I thought, THAT’S what I want to listen to today.  I selected and pressed play.  (I DID manage to miss hitting Mr. Squirrel, I believe).  Music from GLADIATOR (Hans Zimmer, composer) began.  For those of you unfamiliar with the soundtrack, it is glorious and epic.  An unrealistically large symphonic orchestra with what must be 20-ton kettle drums and a thousand horns.  It is massive, majestic, soaring…and it reaches into my soul.

Suddenly, I was no longer a middle-aged, out-of-shape man driving to work.  I was a tall and strong, impervious, red-blooded male – guiding my gold-metal carriage of terror along streets that were suddenly beautiful and regal.  Any stray squirrels that happened in my path would be quickly dealt with.  If I had a broadsword in the passenger seat (and I HAVE before, I’m an actor) I would have put it in my left hand and held it high in the open window…all the way to the church office!

The music changed me that much.

In a way, I’m not surprised.  Film scores are the “sub-text” in every film.  Where there is action, music accelerates it.  Where there is deep emotion, music amplifies it.  Where there is deception, music names it.  And where there is completion, music crowns it.  And so it is with me.

And so it is with the Spirit.

I thought then, as I think now, much of the Spirit’s work is like music.  This Spirit; Comforter, Teacher, Counselor and Empowerer, “underscores” my life.  You notice, in the pathetic scenario above, no reality changed.  I WAS still driving past the normal scenery of Anderson.  What had changed was my vision, my foresight, and my confidenceBecause of my personal soundtrack, my outlook on present conditions changed.  In all that ride I was transformed from sad, depressed and blue…to joyful, energized and bold!

As a musician, music is the main language Jesus uses to speak to me – it may not be so for you.  But I know the Spirit is looking to “underscore” your life and change your perspective in whatever way you will listen.

Maybe it IS music.  If so, I highly recommend the soundtrack to GLADIATOR – just keep an eye on the speedometer, and don’t keep your broad-swords in the car.



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In my office at church I have a wall filed with crosses.  Some are big, some are small, some metal and some wood.  Some are hand-made, others a little more industrial.

When I moved into my office (2007) I had five crosses that I wanted to display, but that was too few to really know what to do with…so I went to a local craft/décor store, where there was a sale on “wall décor” (including crosses) and got the idea for a “wall of crosses” from their display…the beauty was in the way each item was a cross, but each significantly individual and unique…I purchased another five crosses to add to my collection.

Soon after, my Dad sent me two crosses that he had carved upon the occasion of me stepping into the pulpit at Central, I received a couple of “gift crosses” upon my installation and since then have received several more from weddings, etc.  I’ve also started collecting a cross when I travel, if I see an interesting one.  All that to say, my wall now is covered a bit and I’ll need to start moving crosses around to the next wall.  It looks like I’m trying to keep vampires out of the office, at this point.

As I write, I can look up and directly at the “cross wall” and see some beautiful crosses, some crosses that have a meaning because of who gave them, or where I purchased them…but they all have an “intrinsic” value because of their own beauty.

On one hand…The cross: an implement of torturous death.  Even the symbol of a cross could strike a deep and unfathomable fear in the people of Jesus’ day.  This method of execution was devised as to cause as much suffering as possible, while displaying the suffering as a warning to anyone else who might think of crossing the Roman government of the time.  The cross: a symbol, not only of state-sanctioned death, but state-sanctioned inhuman, horrific, torture. It is a symbol that Believers and Followers since have stared at daily without, perhaps, knowing the implications of such a symbol, or feeling the depth of terror that symbol would strike in all of our Believing and Following forebears.  To think that such a symbol would be carved with such love, worn as jewelry, and decorating a Pastor’s wall is almost morbidly-idiotic.

On the other hand God, the “Spiritual Rumplestiltskin”, as I like to call Him sometimes (He “turns straw into gold”) has taken the cross and actually re-created it as a thing of beauty, goodness and truth.  The mere fact that this instrument of torture and death, used on His own Son, has become a symbol for a beautiful gift of freedom and love is also unfathomable.  God, who takes the chaos and makes order, takes garbage and makes jewels, takes the broken things and makes them new…God, who currently is restoring the entire world to newness and prepping it for the Age to Come has done a wonderful thing with this cross.

We often hear, “Everything happens for a reason.”  Which (and I hate to burst anyone’s bubble), is not an accurate quote of scripture. Bad things are generally not something that God plans.  In fact the “reason” much, if not all, of the bad things in the world happen because we’re stupid and make BAD choices. THAT’s the “reason”.  What God does is take the bad and make it good.  God takes the tangle that we’ve created, and at our request, creates a tapestry.

Wasn’t the evilness of the cross part of God’s “plan”? The sacrifice that needed to be made by His Son was necessary.  Were the evil plans and thoughts of those who eventually led Jesus through the streets and to Golgotha all a part of God’s will?  Of course not, and neither were any of those people involved mere robots or puppets without a choice. God knew, because He exists “out of time”.  He could see what was GOING to happen (from our perspective of time) before it actually happened to us, and the evil became beautiful.  It is God to make “all things new”.  It is in His nature (and ours, for that matter) to “re-create”.

And so, I display my wall of crosses proudly.  This evil thing, this wicked idea to make another human suffer the pain and humility of inhuman death has been turned, as all things that are imperfect, wicked, twisted and evil will also turn.

When I look at my wall now, I try to remember the “journey” this cross made, from something designed to torture and kill, to something that is (for me, at least) a gate to the garden.



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PALM SUNDAY.  I have some wonderful memories associated with this day and time.  My Dad was the choir director at my home church, for several years, and Palm Sunday evening was often the performance of the annual CHOIR CANTATA (usually one by John W. Peterson…for all of you folks who remember his standards from church choir repertoire in the 1950s & ’60s).  Also, Mom was the resident playwright and director for some truly awesome church productions, complete with soldiers, disciples and angels.  As an only child, I was usually involved in all of that, just because if Mom & Dad were at the church, so was I.  Later, when I was writing music, Palm Sunday and Holy Week became the times when some of my own music was performed at worship…some of those pieces are still some of my personal favorites.

Then, of course, my all-time favorite PALM SUNDAY was more than three decades ago when my oldest son, Cameron, was born (I think that was the only time in my life I’ve missed a Palm Sunday Worship Service). 

It may be just me, but growing up in a church family and experiencing Palm Sunday processionals as a child, just as the weather was warming up, enjoying the “dramatic” and “musical” events…it was (and still is) like Christmas in that no matter what else is going on in the world, this is a time set aside for celebration.

One particular Palm Sunday, during my college days in Seattle when my irreverence during serious occasions was maturing, was quite amusing.  During our worship we began with a processional from the back; first the choir (I was a tenor, in the back row), children with palm branches, and then the Pastoral Staff who were all participating in the worship leading.  Most of the staff at the time (I was the Office Manager at this point) were young, and then there was a more mature woman on staff as well, as our professional Church Counselor.  We all took our places and the service began.  The Senior Pastor stepped to the pulpit and addressed the full sanctuary with words of greeting and led in a responsive reading (the usual, from the Gospels, recounting the Jerusalem processional).

Suddenly, jumping from her seat next to the song leader, our Counseling Pastor, during a calm part of the reading, quickly moved to the center of the platform and started, what seemed like, an odd sort of tap dance (on the carpet).  Everything stopped.  We stared, during what seemed like hours, trying to figure out if she was having some sort of Pentecostal moment (surely not), or spasm, (a very fun and rhythmic one, if that was it) or just what.  When suddenly a small girl in the front of the sanctuary jumped up and yelled excitedly, “A dance!” as she started clapping and “dancing” along with our Associate Pastor.

 Well, by that time, the confused congregation (especially those of us in the choir and close to the front) weren’t certain about what to do.  By that time our female Associate had stopped “dancing” and was watching the little girl.  She then moved down the couple of steps to the girl, took her hands and started to dance with her.  The pianist began to play the song we had just sung and some clapping began.  We began to get caught up in this strange, impromptu dance party, in the middle of what had been a carefully-planned worship service.

The whole thing lasted only a moment.  When the song ended everyone clapped, and our Associate moved to the pulpit to explain that one of the candles had lit a palm frond end on fire and a little ember had floated down to the carpet where it began to burn.  Our vigilant Associate was the only one who noticed.  Thereby, she jumped from her seat, scurried to the burning carpet and began stomping it out with her high-heeled feet.  It wasn’t apoplexy or the Holy Spirit…it was a small fire…which looked to us like a dance from a person for whom dancing wasn’t a part of her perceived nature.

But for that moment a misunderstood action turned into a spontaneous dance party and the agenda was set aside.

Two-thousand years ago, Jesus could have stopped the procession on the way to Jerusalem and given everyone a lesson in WHY He was entering Jerusalem, and WHAT He was going to do. But, for the crowds at least, He let it go, He let them celebrate.  They were misinterpreting what was going on, but Jesus didn’t stop the praise, and knew it was futile to try.  He also understood there is a time for everything, present circumstances don’t override expressions of joy.

In THE Kingdom, at least, there is ALWAYS a reason to dance.

That is, I guess, what the pageantry, music and drama of PALM SUNDAY and HOLY WEEK are for me.  No matter what else is going on in the world, and much of the world around us is in chaos, because of who HE is, and because of WHAT is certain and sure in our future…it IS appropriate to interrupt the agenda and dance.

So…dance as if everyone is watching.