Poor Jimmy Stewart: every time he gets up too high and looks down, this weird spiral thing happens and he feels himself falling, all the while trying to solve a...
Poor Jimmy Stewart: every time he gets up too high and looks down, this weird spiral thing happens and he feels himself falling, all the while trying to solve a...
When people think of my “home state”, Washington, (especially those NOT from Washington) more than likely the iconic image of tall evergreen trees, mountains, the Puget Sound and the bustle...
I’m going through a “mantra” in my head right now, a “vow” that I made this winter. I’m saying the words in my mind, and sometimes out loud, as I...
Well, it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful and WARM Independence Day (with a chance of showers and storms…isn’t that typical?). I’m singing tonight (Tuesday) with THE INDIANAPOLIS...
Yesterdy, in 1486, King Richard III took the throne of England…only to die in a battle over that same throne some 2 years later, ending the famous “War of the...
It’s difficult to believe that 49 years ago (in July) Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, the first to do so? I remember where I was, I was staring...
I am still my Father’s son. I carry so many parts of his personality that it’s impossible to escape his influence, even if I wanted to. My Dad knew no stranger,...
Last night as I was walking home from work, I noticed two boys and an adult walking along the street. One of the young boys had a bike which he...
That number, 24601, is the number the prison gives to identify the man known as Jean Valjean, the protagonist in the book and musical, LES MISERABLES. 24601. The number is...