Miss LaClaire, Miss Just, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Van Dyke, Mrs. Goranson, Mrs. Stankman, Mr. McNamara. When Graduation comes around I go through these names and memories again. I may not remember...
Miss LaClaire, Miss Just, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Van Dyke, Mrs. Goranson, Mrs. Stankman, Mr. McNamara. When Graduation comes around I go through these names and memories again. I may not remember...
There is a beautiful street close to my neighborhood. It is exceptionally beautiful during Indiana autumn and Indiana spring. In the spring, the beautiful, white, flowering trees that line the...
Anyone who knows me understands that I have what is the opposite of a green thumb (the opposite color to GREEN on the color-wheel is RED, but saying I have...
I have a friend in town whose life is filled with noise, he lives in a house filled with great “stuff”, he is constantly on the move and involved in...
As THE ALLEY THEATRE, here at Central, puts up each production in the season, I watch all the players onstage and the crew backstage as they prep, rehearse and polish....
We have 2 cats whose home we share: Mr. Blu and Delores. Mr. Blu is probably about 17-years-old, a male. Delores is 6-years-old, and female. I’d like to say that...
Imagination is funny, it makes a cloudy day sunny Makes a bee think of honey just as I think of you Imagination is crazy, your whole perspective gets hazy Starts...
So, I grew up in church. We went to Highland Church of God in Kennewick, Washington every time the door was open. Dad directed the choir and sang, Mom was...
So, one of my Birthday gifts, some years ago, was the complete set of an “old-time” television show. Now BEFORE I tell you what the show is, you need to...
The middle of my week always involves a little “mind focusing”; getting out of the home office and clearing my head. So I eventually ventured out in “Mariska” (the Buick) and...