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It was just a few days before my 20th birthday when I found myself standing with the University Chorale of Eastern Washington University on a warm spring day, getting ready to sing. We stood outside on a large platform, the Spokane River at our backs, and the skyline of downtown in our view. We were in Riverfront Park, the property that some 4 years before had been the site of the 1974 World’s Fair.

Today, it was being dedicated as a public park. We were singing, the Governor was present, along with other local elected officials, thousands of people, and special guest, the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter.

President Carter was a candidate in the first election in which I had ever voted. Seeing him also continued my then unbroken record of seeing every president who served in my lifetime up to that time, except for President Eisenhower.

We, the chorale of some 100, had arrived hours earlier and were told to stand in our places on the risers, just behind the podium and seats reserved for speakers and honored guests. We would get a good view of our President…but the waiting was difficult for us youngsters. When we looked out, beyond the park, across the freeway, to the buildings in the downtown area, we could see a large police and military presence; sharp shooters on rooftops, helicopters continuing to circle the crowd below, and the Secret Service (obvious in their attempt to be unobvious) milling about.

We sang, I don’t remember what, and then the familiar strains of “Hail to the Chief” played and there he was…taller than I expected, that toothy smile flashing brightly for blocks, and energetically chatting with all on the platform.

He spoke (after many others) and officially dedicated the park. Then, on his way off the platform he, and his entourage, walked over to our director, shook his hand, looked up at us on the risers, waved, and thanked us for our time and music…saying, “it’s like I had backup singers!”. Then he was gone.

Interestingly, it was only after the event that we were told the reason we had to arrive before anyone else on the platform. It seems we were “the rear shield” since there was not a back on the large platform, and no other way to protect the President and the other people of note, from behind.

We were not only the Presidents backup singers but we also, literally, “had his back”.

This memory from college years came to me as I watched President Carter’s memorial service in the National Cathedral, and I thought of the implications of being a backup singer and bodyguard to the leader of our country.

I hope to be the type of American citizen who always wants my leaders to succeed, whether I voted for them or not. A backup singer supports the lead singer by:
   1. raising the energy level,
     2. supporting the melody with harmony, and
     3. providing a way for the lead singer to gain momentum…playing off of the other singers onstage.

“Having one’s back” would mean that, like the chorale behind the President, we (or I) would make sure the “leader” is protected from the back so that they can always move forward without looking behind them.

During these couple of weeks as I say good-bye to our longest-living President, and another takes the oath for a second time, these “backup” lessons are not lost on me. My responsibility, not as an American Citizen but as a Citizen of the Kingdom of God, is to be an encourager and protector for ALL my community and national leaders…it’s what my King demands of me.

But, like all Spiritual Truths, the implications go beyond simply supporting a temporary President in a temporary country…this Truth also applies to those in my circle: family, friends, congregation, and enemies. My daily life should contain some backup singing, treating those closest to me as the “lead singer” while I, as the “backup singer” feed them energy, support their “melodies” with my “harmonies” (not singing the same line, but supporting lines of the same song), while encouraging them on to their finest performances. ALL THIS while “having their backs”: making sure that they are protected from what lies behind them, so they don’t have to look back, and can always look ahead.

I think this is in line with what PAUL teaches us about treating each other as if they were more significant than we are (PHILIPPIANS 2:3 – “Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.”)…also, what he teaches about our gifts and talents being each being unique but working together to achieve one goal (I CORINTHIANS 12:4 – “Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord.”).

We are called to love (agape) our neighbors, our friends, and our enemies. I believe no matter who the leader may be, they fall into one of those 3 categories of people we are called to love. I believe no matter who enters our circle, THEY ALSO fall into one of those 3 categories of people we are called to love.

We are to be “backup singers” and to “have the back” of practically everyone we encounter…and some that we may never meet. I hope to be the kind of “backup singer” that behaves according to these words, from the 1800s, often quoted by President Carter:

“Do all the good you can,
In all the ways you can,
For all the people you can,
Just as long as you can.”